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Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Non-profits

We live in a marvelous age. Technology can make our lives easier, more connected and faster. Charity work should leverage technology more than ever. We need to start using real world data in our decisions. Imagine providing services to people who find themselves…

monkey technicians working on brain to connect data


Fundraising by events or “how to destroy your staff”

How many times do we hear a board member say, “Let’s throw a fundraiser!” Often the job of an Executive Director or Development Officer is to raise funds. Frequently a board member or even staff will suggest some type of fundraising event. The…


What trends are taking place now will detirmine the future of nonprofits.

Machine Learning

Have you tied your processes into AI yet?  Data is a constant source for new programs and revenue.


One common item we’ve been asked to create is connecting a chatbot, or sms line to AI to create new avenues to serve.

Stategic Thinking

Bring 501Coach into your process.  You’ll have a sound plan to follow, and buy in from major stakeholders.

Research & background, summary

When we know why we want to start something that can bring such good into the world, we tend to think about the outcomes that we want to see, long before we ever file a document.

Organizations throughout the United States have used 501Coach


Providing consulting to various non-profit agencies Steve has assisted dozens of organizations achieve 501c3 status, repair out-of-compliance charities, and provided Board and Executive Level trainings across the United States.

Unlock your organization’s potential

We understand the unique challenges faced by charities, and we are committed to helping you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you bring your charity into the next phase of growth.”

Here are some specific ways that 501coach.org can help charities grow:

  • Strategic planning: 501coach.org can help charities develop a strategic plan that aligns their fundraising goals with their mission and vision.
  • Fundraising coaching: 501coach.org can provide one-on-one coaching to charities on all aspects of fundraising, from donor research to writing grant proposals.
  • Donor cultivation and stewardship: 501coach.org can help charities build relationships with their donors and keep them engaged in the organization’s mission.
  • Marketing and communications: 501coach.org can help charities develop and execute marketing and communications campaigns that raise awareness of their organization and its work.
  • Event planning: 501coach.org can help charities plan and execute fundraising events that generate significant revenue.

If you are a charity that is looking to grow, 501coach.org can help. Contact us today to learn more.

Check out how people are growing with 501Coach

“Steve brought us into compliance within days.  The liability woes we faced are over.”

“We more than doubled the number of people served, with more than double the revenue in one year, following the strategic plan developed.”

“Our Board meetings were battlegrounds.  501Coach came in and unified our decisions, while bringing tools that will continue to help.”

“When the Board President was hauled off in handcuffs, Steve was there to help build anew.”

“501Coach was so responsive.  They came in, and listened to what we wanted, then gave us the tools to achieve our goals.”

“Our staff turnover was horrific.  Morale was low.  501Coach team came in and changed all that.”

Ready to connect?

Are you looking to take your charity to the next level? 501coach.org can help. We are a team of experienced nonprofit management professionals who have helped hundreds of charities raise millions of dollars. We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including:

  • Strategic planning
  • Fundraising coaching
  • Donor cultivation and stewardship
  • Marketing and communications

Contact 501Coach